

Sunday, April 27 2025

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Exhibit Set-Up
Ocean Grand Foyer
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Conference Registration Open
Capes Landing

Monday, April 28 2025

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Conference Registration Open
Capes Landing

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Exhibits Open
Ocean Grand Foyer

10:00 am – 10:45 am

Opening Kick-Off
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Nelson Smith, Commissioner
Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS)

10:45 am – 12:00 pm

KEYNOTE: Thriving in 2025
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Sponsored by VersAbility Resources

Cheryl Roberts, J.D., Director
Department of Medical Assistance Services

Tammy Whitlock, Deputy of Complex Care
Department of Medical Assistance Services 

DMAS word for 2025 is THRIVE – Trust, Healthcare, Results, Integrity, Vision and Engagement. In this session, DMAS will provide a current status and 2025 projections on Virginia Medicaid Thriving program.

12:15 pm – 1:30 pm

Lunch and Speaker: DOJ Update
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Kyle Smiddie
, J.D., Trial Attorney
U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Special Litigation Section

Enjoy lunch with DOJ attorney Smiddie as he talks about the Injunction recently approved by the Court and gives updates on Virginia’s performance in behavioral services, crisis services, nursing, dental, supported employment, community engagement and other areas.

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

General Session: Bob and Weave
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Ann Bevan, Director, Division of High Needs Supports
Department of Medical Assistance Services

Heather Norton, Deputy Commissioner for Community Services
Virginia Dept. of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services

Join us for a discussion with Heather Norton from DBHDS and Ann Bevan from DMAS on an update to the current system serving people with developmental disabilities. This open discussion between presenters and attendees will review the current status of the transformation of the DD system and what we can look forward to in the future using our crystal balls and ability to adapt to a constantly changing environment. We continue to partner with providers and advocates to “bob” along, keeping our heads above water and still “weave” through the constant changes to ensure that the people we serve have what they need to live full, robust lives.

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Networking Break

3:15 pm – 4:30 pm

Break Out Session: SourceAmerica Career Development - Updates in a Changing Environment
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Brian DeAtley, Director

Michelle Brownlee, Senior Public Programs Administrator

During this session speakers from SourceAmerica will discuss ongoing activities related to the Career Development of participating employees in the AbilityOne program and how these actions relate to U.S. AbilityOne Commission Policy 51.405. In addition, speakers will outline SourceAmerica Workforce Development resources and grant opportunities. The session will be interactive and questions will be welcomed.

Break Out Session: The Power of ESOPs: Succession Planning, Culture Building, and Employee Retention
Cape Hatteras Room

Matt Rosenbaum, M.B.A., CFO
Wall Residences

John Weatherspoon, CEO & President
Wall Residences

Through real-world examples,  we’ll examine the unique advantages ESOPs and employee ownership offer to organizations, employees, and retiring owners. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of how ESOPs not only secure the future of their organization but also create an empowered workforce committed to the mission and vision.

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Welcome Reception
Refreshments and Live Music
Ocean Grand Foyer

Sponsored by ServiceSource and Toddlers To Grandparents

8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Networking Event
Hospitality Suite 

Sponsored by Career Support Systems, Inc.

Wine tasting with an expert… Bill Lyons, Winebow Inc.

Tuesday, April 29 2025

7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Conference Registration
Capes Landing
7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Exhibits Open
Ocean Grand Foyer
7:30 am – 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet
Ocean Grand Foyer

Sponsored by St. John's Community Services

9:00 am – 10:15 am

Break Out Session: Navigating Change and Confusion in Washington D.C.
Cape Hatteras Room

Bart Devon, Ed.M, MELP, Esq., Executive Director
Alliance for Expanding America’s Workforce
Katie Missimer, Director of Government Relations

This session will discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by recent policy shifts at the federal level. Panelists will discuss policy directives from the executive branch that could impact access to benefits and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. They will also cover legislative initiatives that are of interest to people with disabilities and service providers such as WIOA, SSI/SSDI, CMS, ABLE.

Break Out Session: Virginia’s Medicaid Works Program for Working People with Disabilities, The Impact of Employment on SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries: Program Updates and Work Incentives and Demystifying Special Needs Trusts (SNTs) for Persons with Disabilities
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Jeanette Flanders, WIPA Community Work Incentives Coordinator
Endependence Center of Virginia Beach
Andrew Hooks, Chairman, Board of Directors
Hook Law Center, PC
Michael Klinger, Work Incentives Specialist
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

Get updates on Medicaid Works, Special Needs Trusts, ABLEnow Accounts, SSI and SSDI. This is a fast-paced panel discussion from several leaders in their fields. Opportunities to get up to date information, ask some questions and to be better aware of options ‘out there’ for persons working and/or needing to save funds. Be ‘demystified about these issues as you learn from experts!

Virginia’s Medicaid Works Program for Working People with Disabilities
This session overviews Virginia’s Medicaid Works (buy-in) program. This includes an overview of the eligibility criteria, how to apply and how, by utilizing this program, people with disabilities can work and earn a substantial wage while protecting their Medicaid coverage. It will also cover resources people can utilize if they need help or want more information on the program.

The Impact of Employment on SSI and SSDI Beneficiaries: Program Updates and Work Incentives
This presentation explores the complex relationship between employment and benefits for those receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). We'll examine how working can affect beneficiaries and highlight Social Security's Ticket to Work Program, demonstrating how its work incentives can help maximize benefits. Finally, we'll cover recent updates to the SSI program and some Medicaid programs.

Demystifying Special Needs Trusts (SNTs) for Persons with Disabilities
This presentation aims to unravel the complexities surrounding Special Needs Trusts (SNTs) and their vital role in supporting persons with disabilities. We will explore the different types of SNTs, including First Party SNTs (such as D4A and Pooled Trusts) and Third Party SNTs. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of how these trusts function, their benefits and the key considerations in establishing and managing them. Join us to demystify SNTs and learn how they can provide financial security and enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

10:15 am – 10:30 am
Networking Break
Ocean Grand Hallway

10:30 am – 11:45 am

General Session: Trends and Tides: Expanding Opportunities and Choices for People with Disabilities
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Sponsored by Didlake

Cori Di Biase, Founder
Aperio Consulting Group

The landscape of disability services is evolving, requiring a shift in how we support individuals to live, work and thrive in their communities. This session will explore trends influencing the field, from self-advocacy and person-driven services to the challenges of transitioning service models. We will discuss how providers across residential, day and employment services can empower individuals to advocate for their goals—including employment—even when their organizations do not directly provide those services. Additionally, we will examine structural challenges, such as funding limitations and workforce shortages, that impact service innovation and discuss strategies for advancing states and organizations long-term vision for greater community inclusion and choice. Using real-world examples, this session will provide a broad, inclusive perspective on where services are headed and how all providers can contribute to a future that maximizes opportunity for people with disabilities.

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Lunch and Speaker: 50 Years of vaACCSES
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Paul Atkinson Senior, Retired, Former CEO
Eggleston Services

Come join Paul Atknson Sr., retired CEO of Eggleston Services reflect on the history of vaACCSES; how it’s developed through the years and been a leader with making changing to services, regulations, waiver reform and funding. Paul will also share some stories about Karen Tefelski, the executive eirector for more than 25 years with vaACCSES. Audience members may be asked to participate in ‘remember when we did------’ so be prepared to recount advocacy activities that are part of the associations 50-year history!

1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Break Out Session: CARF Standards – What’s New, What’s Difficult and What Can We Do to Be Better Prepared
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Shirley will provide the most up to date information, having just attended the 2025 CARF conference for surveyors. She will discuss what is new in the 2025 ECS manual, and what may be coming in 2026. She will share where providers often get cited and provide some helpful hints as to how to best prepare for your next survey…whether that be next month or in three year.

Shirley Lyons, M.S., Employment and Day Services Manager
Henrico Area MH/DS - Hermitage Enterprises

Break Out Session: The Power of Pre-ETS Services
Cape Hatteras Room

Vickie Greatwood, Director of Supported Employment
VersAbility Resources

Amanda Kuzma, Supported Employment Manager
VersAbility Resources

Join Vickie Greatwood and Amanda Kuzma from VersAbility Resources for an interactive presentation on Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS). Pre-ETS is a multifaceted service that gives students with disabilities stackable skills to prepare them for today’s workforce. This service is part of the solution for the “graduation to couch” high school graduates have experienced due to lack of employment training and support. In this workshop, Ms. Greatwood and Ms. Kuzma will go through the services, their impact and share success stories they have witness through the provision of these services.

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Networking Break
Ocean Grand Hallway

3:15 pm – 4:45 pm

Break Out Session: Trends and Tides, Part 2; Navigating Career Development
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Cori Di Biase, Founder
Aperio Consulting Group

Continuing the conversation begun in the general session, we dive deeper into those combined trends and how they specifically influence and affect career development services for people with disabilities. We will explore additional examples and iterations of increasing flexible and individualized services driven by people with disabilities and their families, along with a general trend toward employer-driven workforce services.

Break Out Session: Mindfulness in Developmental Services: Practical Tools for Well-Being
Cape Hatteras Room

Andie Plumley, Vice President
Support Services of Virginia, Inc.

Working in developmental services requires dedication, patience, and emotional resilience. The demands of supporting others can be both rewarding and challenging, making self-care essential for maintaining well-being and effectiveness.

This experiential session will introduce mindfulness as a powerful, practical tool for reducing stress, enhancing focus, and fostering emotional balance. Participants will engage in guided mindfulness exercises, including breathwork, gentle movement, and grounding techniques, all designed to be easily integrated into daily routines.

Whether you are new to mindfulness or looking to expand your practice, this session will provide simple, evidence-based strategies to support your well-being—helping you stay present, centered, and engaged in providing high-quality, person-centered support.

8:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Own Your Own Networking Event
Lobby Bar

Sponsored by Career Support Systems, Inc.

Wednesday, April 30 2025

7:30 am – 12:00 pm
Conference Registration Open
Capes Landing
7:30 am – 12:00 pm
Exhibits Open
Ocean Grand Foyer
7:30 am – 8:30 am
Breakfast Buffet
Ocean Grand Foyer

Sponsored by SOAR365

8:30 am – 10:00 am

General Session: Person Centered ISP 4.0 Development
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Barry Seaver
, Provide Team Lead
Community Resource Consultants

Through a shared interactive experience participants will learn current best person-centered practices to discover what is important to a person and how to best support them to have the life that they want. Participants will then learn how to use information gathered through the person-centered process to develop and complete ISP 4.0." There will be a 30-minute question and answer session following the presentation. 

10:00 am – 10:15 am
Networking Break
Ocean Grand Hallway
10:15 am – 11:30 am

Closing General Session: Virginia the Next 50 Years
Cape Charles/Cape Henry Room

Genni Sasnett

Presentation by Genni Sasnett, retired COO of St. John’s Community Services and subject matter expert with ODEP, brings years of knowledge and implementation with systems change. St. John’s Community Services, evolved, under Genni’s leadership to providing inclusive community based services many years ago. She is very familiar with systems change and how to be successful as we all seek to provide person centered community-based services and supports.

Genni will discuss with the audience how to prepare for changes in Virginia which can surround funding, regulations and choices in services and supports persons with disabilities want. Come and participate in what will be a lively discussion as Genni provides insight in what we can be doing to position ourselves in Virginia for the next 50 years of supports for persons with disabilities.